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Theatre / New Work Festival 2025: Tales of the Ten

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Tales of the Ten; an adaptation of The Decameron

As the Black Death ravages the city of Florence, a group of young people decide to leave the city and go to the country to avoid the plague and try to have some fun. Along with singing and dancing, each day of their 10 day journey features a short story set in the style of Commedia dell’Arte.

By Dan Zellner
Music by Scott Cary
Directed by Claire Hart Proepper
Cast: Robert Carhuayo, Alexander Coniaris, Martin Downs, Olivia Finkelstein, Suzanne Glover, Taylor Hill, Zoia Mendoza, Ariel Noble, Helena Scholz-Carlson, Leela Watts

Duration: 2h 10min with intermission

Free with registration. Doors open at 6:30pm.

Laughing Stock Theatre, in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute of Chicago, is excited to present three brand new Commedia plays written by Chicago playwrights. Each night of this staged reading series will explore a different take on the timeless Italian theatrical style of Commedia dell’Arte. Whether you’re interested in short-form stories, a classic three-act structure, or a more modern take on the genre, these plays are sure to make you laugh!​​

Each reading will be followed by a short feedback session moderated by Martin Downs, Artistic Director. This will be Laughing Stock Theatre’s first time starting with scripts; the company has traditionally devised its plays through improvisation, and a final script is never written down. We welcome all audience members to stay after each reading to tell us what sparkles in these new stories, and share what you think needs work before the next stage of their creation.

All plays are rated PG-13 (may include some mild language and sexual situations).

Register to the Event

  • Organized by: Italian Cultural Institute of Chicago
  • In collaboration with: Laughing Stock Theatre